i'm so sad now....
i'm tired of this....
the things that i have planed, didn't work at all
please, show me Your easy way....
i do believe that You always look at my effort to reach my goal
so, God
please, help me....
Senin, 30 April 2012
Kamis, 26 April 2012
I had SEA class this morning. that is storytelling class.
this morning I had to tell the landmark of west sumatra. there are two options, they are "Jam Gadang" and "Jembatan sitinurbaya". I chose to tell about jam gadang.
and, you know?
i had difficulties in telling that because I had to know the details about jam gadang, whether about its machine, its material, and many others...
but, fortunately, I could pass it....
this morning I had to tell the landmark of west sumatra. there are two options, they are "Jam Gadang" and "Jembatan sitinurbaya". I chose to tell about jam gadang.
and, you know?
i had difficulties in telling that because I had to know the details about jam gadang, whether about its machine, its material, and many others...
but, fortunately, I could pass it....
oh, my blog
i'm sorry for forgetting you for the long time.... I didn't mean to do that
now, I come back and ready to write ....
but, I'm studying CALL now, so I can't tell many things...
i'm sorry for forgetting you for the long time.... I didn't mean to do that
now, I come back and ready to write ....
but, I'm studying CALL now, so I can't tell many things...
Kamis, 12 April 2012
Thanks God
two days ago, the earthqukes happenned.
while I was praying ashar at fbs mosque, it happened. in the first time, I thought that I got confused, then I heard the people behind me said that there was earthquake.
after prayed, I saw the people panicked. some of them are crying, some other were trying to phone their families, and the others were running to the higher place....
not longer after that, I heard the siren of tsunami's warning. it made me so panicked and went home directly. unfortunately, it was not easy to get a public transportation, because there were so many people that wanted to get public transportation, too...
but, I was very grateful to God because the tsunami didn't happen...
thanks God
while I was praying ashar at fbs mosque, it happened. in the first time, I thought that I got confused, then I heard the people behind me said that there was earthquake.
after prayed, I saw the people panicked. some of them are crying, some other were trying to phone their families, and the others were running to the higher place....
not longer after that, I heard the siren of tsunami's warning. it made me so panicked and went home directly. unfortunately, it was not easy to get a public transportation, because there were so many people that wanted to get public transportation, too...
but, I was very grateful to God because the tsunami didn't happen...
thanks God
my sister
three days ago, my older sister went to bandung to continue her study at itb. that day, I was in unp's dorm, so I couldn't take her to airport. I felt rather sad at that time...
went, I arrived at home in thursday, she has gone
I miss her...
miss her so much....
went, I arrived at home in thursday, she has gone
I miss her...
miss her so much....
Selasa, 10 April 2012
be patient
today was a hard day for me...
there were many things that I have planned...
but, some of them failed to complete
be patient
be patient
and be patient
there were many things that I have planned...
but, some of them failed to complete
be patient
be patient
and be patient
really really really tired
I really want to go home, but Hudya doesn't come back...
oh, God
I'm really tired.
I had go here and there for several times...
oh, God
I'm really tired.
I had go here and there for several times...
the sky looks so dark,,,
I think that the rain will be come soon
but, I'm still in campus to search some sources to my assignments
and I also have to wait hudya to confirm our group assignment
I think that the rain will be come soon
but, I'm still in campus to search some sources to my assignments
and I also have to wait hudya to confirm our group assignment
victim ;(
now, I am playing a play role with hudya, my "lovely" temok....
in this play, I forced to be a victim of temok
and I play my role well!!
I'm tired
so tired....
in this play, I forced to be a victim of temok
and I play my role well!!
I'm tired
so tired....
Jumat, 06 April 2012
eh, my hamster has come back...
I thougth that it has gone...
welcome back, my "comel" hamster,
you have to be here to accompany my "comel" cat...
I love both of you....
I thougth that it has gone...
welcome back, my "comel" hamster,
you have to be here to accompany my "comel" cat...
I love both of you....
Kamis, 05 April 2012
I lost my hamster... where is it going???
it went out from my blog....
maybe he went because I didn't feed it well..
I have to find it again
I lost my hamster... where is it going???
it went out from my blog....
maybe he went because I didn't feed it well..
I have to find it again
sleepy... zzzzZZzzzZ
I'm in "teater tertutup fbs" now....
there is a debate competition here. some of my classmates join this competition. I'm here to watch them.
the people here are so good at speaking and debating. it amazes me....
but, I become so sleepy now....
maybe because of I stayed up late this night...
there is a debate competition here. some of my classmates join this competition. I'm here to watch them.
the people here are so good at speaking and debating. it amazes me....
but, I become so sleepy now....
maybe because of I stayed up late this night...
funny cat

while searching on the internet, I found a funny photo of a cat. this is that photo....
is that cat dancing????
it's so funny and cute, right?!
Rabu, 04 April 2012
Timun Emas
I like reading forklore. the one that interesting for me is the story of timun emas...
this is the story....
Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer. They had married for some years but they had no children. So they prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them children. Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster. He granted their wish on one condition. When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo. He liked eating fresh meat of human being. The farmers agreed to his condition. Several months later the wife was pregnant.
She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named her Timun Emas. The farmers were happy. Timun Emas was very healthy and a very smart girl. She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came to their house. Timun Emas was frightened so she ran away to hide. The farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child. They asked him to postpone. Buta Ijo agreed. He promised to come again. The following year Buta Ijo came again. But again and again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a child.

‘Timun, take these things’
‘What are these things?’
‘These are your weapons. Buta Ijo will chase you. He will eat you alive. So run as fast as you can. And if he will catch you spread this to the ground. Now go!’
Timun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could. When Buta Ijo arrived she was far from home. He was very angry when he realized that his prey had left. So he ran to chase her. He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey ran.
Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch her up. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber. In seconds they turned into many vines of cucumber. The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them. When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.
But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again. When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles. Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass. It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest. Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.
Buta Ijo chased her again. When he almost catch her again and again Timun Emas threw her dressing. This time it turned into a lake. Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran way. But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.
Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt. Soon the land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean. Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly.
Timun Emas was thankful to god and came back to her home.
I just read an article about the birth of the smallest dog in the world. it was born in United States on march 8 in this year. its name is Beyonce. at the first time, it couldn't take the breath. fortunately, the vetenarians could help it. finally, it could breath normally. when, it just born, it was so small, even it can be taken with a spoon. its weigth was just one ounce.
now, it was 3 weeks old. its size is as big as a name card.
how small it is!!!
hope it can life normally...
now, it was 3 weeks old. its size is as big as a name card.
how small it is!!!
hope it can life normally...
Selasa, 03 April 2012
failed greeting
last friday, the rain was so hard in the evening. my friend and I were on the way to home. fortunately, both of us brought the umbrella. we walked together. while walking we talked about many things. then, I met my cousin and my aunt. I wanted to greet them, but suddenly... I fell down because of the slippery ground...
they ceme closer to me and asked that I was alright. I said, "yes."
actually, I wasn't. I was so shy to said it. therefore, I went home with the hurted knee. my friend helped me to walk. oh, God, I was so ashamed....
they ceme closer to me and asked that I was alright. I said, "yes."
actually, I wasn't. I was so shy to said it. therefore, I went home with the hurted knee. my friend helped me to walk. oh, God, I was so ashamed....
I have a twins friend. they call themselves "kakak" and "adek". adek was my senior high school classmate. we were close enough. one day, while we--adek, me, and some other friends-- were practicing "randai" at a "sanggar", adek's mother and kakak went to pick up adek. it was a first time I met Kakak. I was always amazed when there was a twins in front of me. Then adek introduced her to us. it's difficult for me to determine which one is adek and which one is kakak. they were resemble each other.
yesterday, I went home by bus. sometimes the bus stopped to pick up the passengers. then, I saw a girl. She also looked me and sat beside me.
"adek?!" I asked her.
"you still can't differentiate us, huh,"
"oh, I know. you are kakak, right," she pretended mad at me...
and we laughed together.
actually, I also want to have a twin. I think that it must be fun....
Senin, 02 April 2012
He???? (part 1)
"get up, honey... it's 6 o'clock now. you'll be late to school if you keep sleeping," my mother's voice breaks my nice drem.
"well, mom,"i wake up lazily an go to the bathroom.
i take the long shower, eventhough I know that it'll make me late to school
then, I take breakfast slowly. My mother keep telling me to hurry up because it's 6.50.
"mom, eventhough I am hurry, i'll still be late,"
my mother is confused and she stops asking me to hurry because it is useless and wastes energy
I arrive at school at 7.30. I enter the school calmly and the security call me. oh, of course... I have guessed about it. then, that security asks me to go to the teacher office. and of course, I also have thought about an "acceptable" reason for my lateness.
in front of teacher's office, I stop walking and try to remember my reason. then I knock the door. the teacher asks me to come in. I enter that room and...oh, there is another student here. my coming makes that student looks at me. "oh, God. he is so handsome." I said to myself. this is the first time for me to be regretful with my lateness.
*** to be continued ***
"well, mom,"i wake up lazily an go to the bathroom.
i take the long shower, eventhough I know that it'll make me late to school
then, I take breakfast slowly. My mother keep telling me to hurry up because it's 6.50.
"mom, eventhough I am hurry, i'll still be late,"
my mother is confused and she stops asking me to hurry because it is useless and wastes energy
I arrive at school at 7.30. I enter the school calmly and the security call me. oh, of course... I have guessed about it. then, that security asks me to go to the teacher office. and of course, I also have thought about an "acceptable" reason for my lateness.
in front of teacher's office, I stop walking and try to remember my reason. then I knock the door. the teacher asks me to come in. I enter that room and...oh, there is another student here. my coming makes that student looks at me. "oh, God. he is so handsome." I said to myself. this is the first time for me to be regretful with my lateness.
*** to be continued ***
a letter from a killed baby
hi, mom.....
my length is just 2cm now...
I love you, mom..........
your heartbeat sound is the most beautiful music that fills my days
the second month
mom....I'm learning to suck my small fingers...that's so fun, mom
here is warm...
if I go out later, I want to play with you, mom
the third month
mom... I don't know my sex yet...but what I want to be later, I hope mom and dad happy with
you must promise not to cry
you know, mom? if you cry, I also cry...hu..hu....huhuuuuu
although you can't hear my crying yet,,,,
I am so sad, mom
believe, mom... God must give the best for your life, whatever it is...
the fourth month
mom..... my hair has grown... it becomes my new toy... hahahaha
and then, I can turn my head to left and right
I also can move my fingers hands and feet
I also can hear your singing
the fifth month
mom, you see a doctor today, right?!
what did he said, mom?
what is abortion...???
mom, I'll be ok, right?!
mom, suddenly I feel afraid... I love you mom
I'm alright, mom...I'm healthy
the sixth month
mom, you saw that bad doctor again, right???
what will he do, mom??
mom, this doctor wants to break my house
mom, this is not time to me to get out
mom, tell this doctor, please...
mom, this doctor inserts the sharp tools
mom, this tool cut my hair
mom, help me...
I really love you, mom
I promise to make you happy
don't you love me, mom???
mom, this sharp tool cuts my feet...that's so hurt, mom...hu.....hu...huuuuuuu
what is my mistake, mom?
although I have no feet, but I still have hands to hug you, my beloved mother
mom, tell this doctor to stop this..
help me, mom
this tool starts to cut my hands....it's so hurt, mom....hu...hu...huuuuuuuuu
what is my mistake, mom???
although I have no feet and hands, I still have ears, mouth, eyes, nose, and others
I still have an opportunity to see my beloved mother's face
I still can say, " I love you, mom"
oh, momm
this tool kepp cutting, now it is cutting my neck...
it's so hurt...
help me, mom,,,,
the seventh month
mom, I'm alright... I'm in heaven with God now
God has returned my hands, feet, and others
and God whispered me what abortion was
mom, why you don't you want to play with me?
what is my mistake?
why did you kill me???
mom, that was so hurt while I was cutting by that tool
I have opportunity to life, mom!!!
"oh, God, forgive my mom...."
my length is just 2cm now...
I love you, mom..........
your heartbeat sound is the most beautiful music that fills my days
the second month
mom....I'm learning to suck my small fingers...that's so fun, mom
here is warm...
if I go out later, I want to play with you, mom
the third month
mom... I don't know my sex yet...but what I want to be later, I hope mom and dad happy with
you must promise not to cry
you know, mom? if you cry, I also cry...hu..hu....huhuuuuu
although you can't hear my crying yet,,,,
I am so sad, mom
believe, mom... God must give the best for your life, whatever it is...
the fourth month
mom..... my hair has grown... it becomes my new toy... hahahaha
and then, I can turn my head to left and right
I also can move my fingers hands and feet
I also can hear your singing
the fifth month
mom, you see a doctor today, right?!
what did he said, mom?
what is abortion...???
mom, I'll be ok, right?!
mom, suddenly I feel afraid... I love you mom
I'm alright, mom...I'm healthy
the sixth month
mom, you saw that bad doctor again, right???
what will he do, mom??
mom, this doctor wants to break my house
mom, this is not time to me to get out
mom, tell this doctor, please...
mom, this doctor inserts the sharp tools
mom, this tool cut my hair
mom, help me...
I really love you, mom
I promise to make you happy
don't you love me, mom???
mom, this sharp tool cuts my feet...that's so hurt, mom...hu.....hu...huuuuuuu
what is my mistake, mom?
although I have no feet, but I still have hands to hug you, my beloved mother
mom, tell this doctor to stop this..
help me, mom
this tool starts to cut my hands....it's so hurt, mom....hu...hu...huuuuuuuuu
what is my mistake, mom???
although I have no feet and hands, I still have ears, mouth, eyes, nose, and others
I still have an opportunity to see my beloved mother's face
I still can say, " I love you, mom"
oh, momm
this tool kepp cutting, now it is cutting my neck...
it's so hurt...
help me, mom,,,,
the seventh month
mom, I'm alright... I'm in heaven with God now
God has returned my hands, feet, and others
and God whispered me what abortion was
mom, why you don't you want to play with me?

why did you kill me???
mom, that was so hurt while I was cutting by that tool
I have opportunity to life, mom!!!
"oh, God, forgive my mom...."
not feeling well
I'm not feeling well now, I'm sick ;( ;( ;(
Actually, I planned not to attend the lectures today, but there was an assignment that I had to turn in this day....
so I forced myself to go to campus...
in the first class, I felt better than last night. I could follow the class, eventhough I still kept sneezing and coughing...but in the second class, I felt worse. I couldn't keep my close open because I got dizzy. finally, the class has ended, but I couldn't go home directly because of doing the group's assignment....
hope that I can stand more longer...

so I forced myself to go to campus...
in the first class, I felt better than last night. I could follow the class, eventhough I still kept sneezing and coughing...but in the second class, I felt worse. I couldn't keep my close open because I got dizzy. finally, the class has ended, but I couldn't go home directly because of doing the group's assignment....
hope that I can stand more longer...
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Arsip Blog
- God....i'm so sad now.... i'm tired of this.... th...
- I had SEA class this morning. that is storytelling...
- oh, my blog i'm sorry for forgetting you for the l...
- Thanks God
- my sister
- be patient
- really really really tired
- waiting
- victim ;(
- comel
- where?
- sleepy... zzzzZZzzzZ
- funny cat
- Timun Emas
- beyonce
- failed greeting
- Twins
- He???? (part 1)
- a letter from a killed baby
- not feeling well