last night, I stayed at unp's dorm for doing the assignment together. we did the assignment until the watch said 00.24 a.m. then we stopped doing assignment and decided to sleep. I couldn't sleep directly because I napped at the afternoon. in addition, I had drunk a cup of coffee that was given by my friend. actually, my friend wanted to give me a cup of cappucino, but she bought coffee, maybe she didn't know which one the cappucino was. and you know?! the coffee that she made was so bitter.... ;p (peace ^^v)
let's come to the story before,

not long after that, my friend's handphone rang, it rang so hard. my friend answered it. after that, she talked to me that her friend informed that there was someone outside who was assumed as a robber. then, we heard that the man knocked something. it made us so afraid.
then, my friend sent a message to the security. not long after that, the security said he would ask someone to check it. knowing that made us a bit relieved. then, we didn't hear the knocking outside anymore. after that, my friend slept, but I couldn't. I was still afraid. around 01.30, I heard someone walked outside. I tried to sleep and forget it.
it was so frightening,,,,,,,